Monday, November 29, 2010

Hunting Strategies - Part 3

Now that we have discussed stand hunting and organized deer drives, I want to introduce you to the concept of "spot and stalk" hunting.  The spot and stalk technique takes a considerable amount of stealthiness and patience.  I try to use this technique when walking through a timber or some other kind of wooded area.  Here is how to use the spot and stalk technique....  Start by slowly (and I mean slowly) making your way through the area you are hunting.  Take 3-4 steps, then pause, looking for any signs of movement.  Repeat this step throughout the entire area.  GO SLOW! You don't want to spook the deer.  Another form of spot and stalk is the literal meaning of the term.  Spot a deer on your property, then slowly work your way into shooting range.  This technique can be a very useful tool in your bag of hunting tricks.

P.S. I hope everyone had a successful firearm season!

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