Monday, October 11, 2010

Early Season and Pre-Rut Scouting

Scouting the early season takes place primarily in the month of September.  During this period hunters should start to notice rubs and scrapes that bucks are creating.  Rubs and scrapes are a telltale sign that there are bucks living in that area, or at least travelling through that area.  Once you find a scrape or a rub search the surrounding area for more scrapes and rubs.  If possible, try to find a rub/scrape line.  If you can locate this line, you will more than likely determine which route the buck is using to travel from bedding areas to food sources and vice versa. 

Once you have determined what you think is a travel route get your trail camera out and set it up.  Cameras are great because they allow you to see if there are in fact deer moving through that area.  Make sure your camera’s date and time are set correctly so you can see what time of the deer are travelling that particular route.  Let me tell you something, it is pretty exciting when you get a picture of a nice buck on trail camera!    

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